Do You Have a Missing or Chipped Tooth? Consider Restorative Dentistry

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Have you been experiencing soreness in your gums or teeth? Perhaps you already have missing teeth or chips in your existing teeth. If any of these circumstances apply to you, restorative dentistry may be the best option.

One kind of procedure that may be appropriate to get is dental implants. But what are dental implants exactly? They consist of a titanium root that is installed in the gums. An abutment, which holds the ceramic tooth replacement, is then put over the top of the root. Compared to dentures, dental implants are more akin to authentic teeth and can require less maintenance as well.

If the entire tooth is not missing, you may want to consider cosmetic dentistry services that include getting porcelain veneers. These go over the front of teeth that may have been chipped or discolored. It could also be that teeth whitening would be an effective way to restore your smile.

That said, it is best to handle these issues preemptively by practicing quality dental maintenance at home. This means brushing–perhaps with an electric toothbrush–and flossing every day.

If you have additional questions, comments, or suggestions regarding restorative dentistry, be sure to share your thoughts in the forum below. Helpful research also found here.

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