15 Top Common Dental Issues

Visiting the dentist might be low on most people’s to-do list, but it should be. It is considered one of the most important parts of maintaining overall health. Poor oral hygiene can lead to a myriad of health problems, and if not maintained, having weak teeth can cause your quality of life to dwindle down. Why is it that only half of adults say they visit their dentist every six months, and the other half doesn’t? Is it really that scary?

Trusting the Dentist

Unlike other medical issues, common dental issues are so pervasive and part of our everyday routine, we go about our lives hardly noticing them. This isn’t necessarily a good thing. Because we routinely ignore common dental issues, and have grown ups believing dentists are scary, these issues can grow to be more and more of a problem. Stop believing that dentists are untrustworthy, or are not trained enough to handle your dental issues. Dentists and orthodontists are some of the most trained medical professionals, and like doctors, have to go through years of education on top of medical school to prepare them to work on your oral health. Always make sure you have a dentist that is able to address all your issues, one that you are comfortable with, and also one that is able to provide service to you and the rest of your family if need be.

How Soon to Get Help

common dental issues

As we mentioned, without getting help for your common dental issues early on, they can quickly develop into more serious health problems that can become permanent. These top 15 dental issues are some that you might already have but are simply ignoring due to a number of reasons. Take the step in the right direction, and make an appointment with the best dentist as soon as possible. You can be sure it’ll be a decision that will make your quality of life even better.

1. Cavities

Cavities are some of the most common dental issues today, and for good reason. Cavities can stem from issues resulting in eating too much sugar, foods high in starch and carbs, and, in general, are a nuisance to deal with. This is especially true if you have children, as children are more likely to consume candy and other sweets leading to more cavities. Find a pediatric dentist to address your child’s cavities, and visit a dentist yourself if you feel you’ve been indulging and are now feeling pain or tingling.

2. Teeth Yellowing

From smoking to drinking foods such as coffee and turmeric, various lifestyle issues can cause you to experience staining or teeth yellowing. Not only is yellowing of the teeth a sign of poor dental hygiene, but it is also one that can negatively affect your confidence and self-esteem. Getting the help of a dentist office that helps with staining is key to getting your confidence back on track. Yellowing can be removed through various processes, including high-tech laser treatments today, so you can be sure it won’t be as painful as other dental procedures. Keep in mind that some people experience teeth yellowing because of genetic issues. If you want to change the appearance of your teeth, talking to your doctor is key.

3. Tooth Decay

common dental issues

Just like teeth yellowing, one of the most common dental issues is tooth decay. Worse yet, it can affect anyone at any age. Tooth decay has many causes, ranging from smoking, doing drugs, having poor dental hygiene, or simply just as a result of aging. Whatever the case may be, restorative dentistry can help you get your smile back in full. In addition, fixing your tooth decay issues can allow you to enjoy foods you might not otherwise enjoy, and help you improve your health in this way too!

4. Dental Crowding

Dental crowding might be one of the only dental issues that’s hard to avoid. Dental crowding comes as a result of small jawlines and can lead to problems with maintaining proper dental hygiene. With tooth crowding comes an inability to properly floss, brush, and care for your teeth. Food might get stuck in between teeth, causing even more pain and exacerbating existing dental health problems. Different health insurance plans can help you get either Invisalign or to get braces to fix your dental crowding. In any case, fixing crowded teeth can only be a good thing when it comes to restoring your smile.

5. General Pain

Anything can cause general mouth pain, and it’s important to get all possible issues ruled out by either your primary care health provider or your dentist. Common dental issues that can cause general mouth pain include cavities, an infection, canker sores, and even biting your cheek or tongue just to make a few. Make sure you get help in ruling out any more serious causes of general pain, such as oral cancer, in order to be fully assured that your pain can be fixed with some simply procedures and lifestyle changes.

6. Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth, like dental crowding, are often caused by genetic factors, and it’s hard to avoid if you’re predisposed to having them. Crooked teeth can also be cause for concern if it leads to poor oral hygiene, or even if it makes you feel self-conscious. Luckily, there is hope for fixing crooked teeth by visiting a local braces office that tailors treatment specifically for you. Get in touch with a dentist that is able to fix your crooked teeth as fast and as comfortably as possible with braces. Though it might hurt in the beginning, pretty soon you’ll get used to having braces as a treatment option, and can look forward to your crooked teeth straightening out for good.

7. Wisdom Teeth

common dental issues

The most common dental issues dealing with pain while eating arise from what are known as wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are teeth that grow in the back of our mouths in our late teens or early adulthood, and that many times don’t cause issues or pain until they are fully developed. Wisdom teeth grow in suddenly, and can lead to pain while eating, chewing, or even sleeping. Wisdom teeth come in at any age, but teenage years to young adulthood between the ages of 17 and 25 are more likely. Get help from an orthodontist for teens to help take out your wisdom teeth and start living pain-free again!

8. Infection

Infections are serious issues that can not only lead to pain, but can lead to abscesses, increased bacteria, and at worst, fever and septic shock. Some of the signs to look out for an infection are pus coming out of a site where you might have recently had work done, such as a tooth extraction or root canal, a high fever, nausea, vomiting, and an excruciating amount of pain or swelling that won’t go down. Not only should you visit a general dentist to get this treated, but going to the nearest emergency room can ensure your condition doesn’t worsen and the infection can be fought off with antibiotics or other medication.

9. Gingivitis

Gingivitis is one of the most common dental issues that many of us have, but simply don’t acknowledge or aren’t aware of. Gingivitis stems from not brushing or properly flossing your teeth, and can lead you to have some serious inflammation, swelling, and bleeding gums. With gingivitis also comes the added risk of infection, and even though it’s easy to treat, most people continue to live with painful swollen gums. Gingivitis can be treated by a properly trained dentist, but to prevent it from coming back, you need to make sure to maintain your oral hygiene to the best of your abilities. This includes brushing, flossing by using the double-floss method and reaching even the smallest of spots, using mouthwash, and also staying away from sugary and starchy foods.

10. Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be a serious bummer, and can even be cause for concern if nothing seems to fix it. If you’ve had bad breath ever since getting a tooth infection, have bad breath along with a toothache, or nothing fixes the issue, it may be time to see a dentist. Bad breath is caused by not just dental issues, but also issues such as accumulated post-nasal drip, tonsil stones in the back of your throat, and even eating certain foods such as garlic or onions. It’s not a laughing matter, either. Bad breath can cause you to feel self-conscious, hide your smile, or even make you embarrassed to visit the dentist. Not to worry. If you notice, online marketing for orthodontist practices always promotes professional dentists and orthodontists that aren’t afraid of fixing even the worst of issues!

11. Gap Teeth

common dental issues

Having a gap in your teeth is one of those common dental issues that doesn’t seem like it would bother someone, but it might just make you think twice about smiling fully and being confident. In addition, having a gap in your teeth can be painful if you are always getting food stuck in the gap, and you might suffer from bad breath due to food constantly stuck in between your teeth. Choosing to see a dentist in order to help you get your gap finally closed can be the best decision. If you’re planning on getting various treatments at a dental office, choose one that has audio video solution such as televisions that can entertain you while you wait for your consultation. Gapped teeth can take anywhere between three to six months after you get your dental bridges or aligners.

12. Cracked Teeth

One of the reasons your dentist or medical provider might be concerned for your cracked teeth isn’t just because of the crack itself, but because of how you obtained it. Cracked teeth are usually caused as a result of accidents, ranging from severe to simply falling and hitting your jaw on something hard. It’s important to get the proper medical attention when you obtain a cracked tooth to ensure you don’t have any other underlying injuries. Afterward, visit a dentist to help you fix your cracked teeth with tools such as veneers. You can also see about getting treatments to strengthen your teeth and prevent a crack from happening again.

13. Sensitive Teeth

Teeth sensitivity is one of the most common dental issues that can cause some of the greatest discomfort and pain. Tooth sensitivity can result as a consequence of worn down enamel, and visiting your dentist can help strengthen your enamel again. Your dentist can also give you advice on lifestyle changes that can help prevent your teeth from becoming overly sensitive. These include avoiding acidic foods such as citrus fruits, orange juice, and coffee, using prescription toothpaste to help strengthen your teeth, and overall improve your oral hygiene health.

14. Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is perhaps the most serious dental and medical issue you can face, and sadly there are risk factors that put you at a higher chance of getting oral cancer. This includes smoking, poor eating habits, genetics, and using alcohol as well. Some early signs of oral cancer include mouth sores, coughing, red and white plaques, bad breath, and enlarged lymph nodes on the neck. If you know you’re at a higher risk of cancer and are experiencing symptoms, don’t waste precious time and take a chance. Make an appointment with your dentist, who can rule out cancer and attribute your symptoms to something else. Or, contact your doctor for any other concerns as well.

15. Teeth Grinding

common dental issues

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a serious condition that can lead to ground down teeth overtime, headaches, and jaw pain. A dentist can help fit you with a mouthguard to prevent teeth grinding, which comes on especially during the night time when no one realizes they’re doing it! In addition, fixing stress and anxiety issues can also help you stop teeth grinding as well.

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