When you have a tooth that is injured or needs a root canal, you need a new top for your tooth. That’s when a dentist installs dental crowns to replace the top of the tooth that was there. These dental coverings are made from resin and are tough and ready to replace your tooth. If you go to a dental crown dentist, they will tell you when you need to have a root canal and a crown installed.
So, how much do these crowns cost? The price can be steep. If you want to conduct a dental crown cost comparison, you might call a few local dentists and ask them what they charge for a typical crown. The exact price may depend on your specific mouth, though. When you have a root canal, you also get a temporary crown made and installed for your tooth. Then, your dental crown will be made and delivered to your dentist’s office. After that, you can make a new appointment to come in for your dental crown fitting. This is when the crown is fitted to your specific mouth and small changes are made to make it fit better and to look its best.
On average, people in 2015 took three years between dental visits. That’s a lot of time for decay to wreak havoc on your teeth. Have you been experiencing dental problems? Do you possibly need dental crowns? It is hard to know whether you need dental crowns or not without visiting a dentist. Besides, what exactly are dental crowns?
Your tooth consists of a root and a crown. The crown is visible and exists above your gumline while the root is the part that is below your gumline. Dental crowns are natural-colored caps that are cemented on top of a tooth so it can be protected, or to improve its function, shape, or appearance. Dental crowns actually strengthen teeth and reestablish structural integrity so your dental health is restored.
What Exactly Is a Dental Crown?
Consider a dental crown to be a restorative covering. They are made from different materials such as resin, porcelain as well as metals within a dental laboratory. There are many purposes to having a dental crown including restoring structure and strengthening a tooth. Do you know the signs of needing a dental crown? A dental visit is an ideal way to determine whether you need crowns or not.
There Are Signs You Could Require a Dental Crown
If you have received a large filling, chances are you are going to need a crown. When a large decayed portion of a tooth is removed and the area has been cleaned, a filling is put in to fill the space. When fillings are large, it makes the remaining area prone to fracturing and weak. This is the perfect example of when a crown is needed to protect from cracks and stress.
Broken and cracked teeth allow for more tooth decay. In turn, tooth decay puts a tooth’s structure at risk. Once your tooth has become decayed so much that a filling can’t restore its strength, you need a crown. You could even be at risk of your tooth breaking off completely. Crowns protect fragile teeth that have been cracked and are painful and sensitive so the healthy function is maintained.
A broken tooth can include broken cusps, which are the pointy parts of teeth used to tear food. When you notice that you have broken cusps, it is time to find a dentist. A tooth with cusps broken off needs protection. Consider calling and scheduling a one appointment crown to fix the problem.
Are your teeth worn down due to acid reflux disease, grinding, a highly acidic diet, or bulimia? These are all cases where a bite can collapse. Crowns can restore your teeth to their normal size so they look and better and it feels better when chewing.
The appearance of your teeth matters. When teeth look too small, you have gaps between teeth or they are discolored or damaged a crown can improve the appearance of your smile. Crowns are made to look like your natural teeth so it is hard to detect you have them. Consider having crowns put in to cover old and unattractive fillings too. Being able to change the look of your teeth is a great way to lift your confidence.
Is a root canal in your future? Once a tooth has become extremely infected or decayed, you may need a root canal. This type of dental procedure usually calls for crowns afterward. Since a root canal hollows out a tooth, it makes the remaining tooth susceptible and weak. Crowns protect a weakened area so function and strength are returned.
Dental implants are also the perfect candidate for crowns. Replacing missing tooth roots is important for proper tooth function and those replacements require crowns to keep your teeth looking natural. Crowns are used as part of the process of a permanent restoration.
Find out if you require a dental crown by visiting your dentist. You may not experience any of the signs listed. Regular checkups help spot problems before they become serious. Call your dentist to set an appointment and have your teeth checked.