Nearly Invisible, Removable, And Highly Effective The Power Of Invisalign Braces For Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth are a rather frustrating issue to deal with. It’s not quite like removing plaque or stuck food, both of which can be done easily enough on your own.

Is your solution to turn to clunky braces that make you want to smile less? With the creation of Invisalign braces, you have several solutions available in one glimmering package. Invisalign is designed to be as unobtrusive as possible while still straightening your teeth. They’re a suitable choice for both adults and children, from just one crooked tooth to several. You can pair this with a regular check-up at the orthodontist for long-lasting results you’ll see every time you look in the mirror.

Learn more about Half Moon Bay braces below so you can start smiling with confidence.

Good oral health is an ongoing process. It’s rare to have perfectly aligned teeth or no cavities. It’s recommended by most oral health professionals today to visit the dentist at least once per year, if not twice. This is especially prudent for young children still learning what goes into maintaining a healthy smile. Cavities, periodontal disease, impacted wisdom teeth, plaque build-up, and misaligned teeth are the most common oral health problems facing Americans today.

Braces have gone through quite a few changes these past few decades. You may be more familiar with their classic appearance of gray, obtrusive wires. Whether you’ve dealt with braces in the past, or are just considering them for the first time, an orthodontist can set you up with the most modern incarnation. It’s recommended children have their first orthodontic check-up when they’re seven years old, with several visits to the dentist beforehand. Most people who wear braces for the first time will be between the ages of eight and 14.

It’s wise to check out braces before your teeth become more crooked. It’s estimated just 35% of adults have well-aligned teeth, which includes the possibility of overbite or underbite. Contrary to popular belief, correcting overbites and underbites is not just done for appearances. A constant overlap can lead to health problems like losing teeth prematurely or harming the jaw. Invisalign braces provide the best in modern technology with an appearance that will have you practice smiling well before they’re taken out.

What sets Invisalign apart from traditional braces? The first, and perhaps most obvious, is their ability to be removed at will. They’re not unlike retainers in that regard, giving you convenience to take them off before a meeting, then put them back on before bedtime. A recent study revealed over five million people (with over one million teenagers) have invested in Invisalign braces to straighten their teeth. This is only going to get more common as more people become aware of their dental resources.

The benefits don’t end there. A San Mateo orthodontist will also provide you the ability to straighten your teeth while still boasting a bright smile. Invisalign braces are nearly invisible and have gone a long way to reduce the embarrassment and frustration of their older, clunkier counterparts. That said, you shouldn’t eat while wearing your braces so you can gain the full effect of straightening your teeth. The goal is to provide you the most beautiful and long-lasting smile, which comes sooner when you follow the dentist’s plan closely.

Give your smile a shot at success. Talk to an orthodontist in San Mateo about the benefits of Invisalign today.

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