Common Questions People Have for the Dentist

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Many Americans like to put off their visit to the dentist, but for most people, it?s an absolutely necessary activity that should not be put off another day. Why? There are a lot of reasons you should invest in your teeth. For one, your oral health shapes the health of the rest of your body. People with gum disease are more likely to have heart problems as well. And gum disease affects over 75% of the U.S. population in varying degrees!

If you haven?t been to the dentist in a while, though, you may have a few questions you want cleared up. Here?s some important facts worth keeping in mind, for that reason.

Do Dental Sealants Work?

Teeth have a lot of crevices that are quite inviting to bacteria and the sugar they eat. This can quickly lead to tooth decay, which is both painful to experience and expensive to fix for many people. Dental sealants can prevent up to 60% of decay from occurring, especially in children.

How Important is Flossing?

Many people see flossing as fairly optional — something to lie to their dentist about, essentially — but in truth it?s a very important habit to keep up with. Brushing cleans about 70% of your tooth?s surface, while flossing gets the other 30%. Dentists say that anytime teeth touch one another, that is where you should be flossing (so very little children do get out of this one).

Can a Dentist Help With Bruxism Treatment?

If you have a habit of grinding your teeth at night, this can not only lead to headaches, but future tooth decay as well. It?s important to put an end to this but many people aren?t really sure how. A dentist can indeed help with bruxism treatment. Some dentists will prescribe a mouth guard you can wear during the night; others will potentially recommend something like braces, since bruxism can sometimes be the result of uneven teeth. Additionally, there are several potential techniques you can employ to reduce the instances of teeth grinding.

Are Checkups Painful?

Although you might feel a twinge or two of pain or discomfort, for the most part the answer here is no. And the good news is, the more you clean your teeth and go to regular appointments — the less pain you’ll feel in the chair! It’s only when you do things like never floss that the experience can be more uncomfortable.

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