DSOs vs. Private Practices

There are two major types of providers of dental services in the United States.

DSOs, also known as dental service organizations, are large corporate conglomerates that license their brand name, computer systems, computer software, and machinery to contract local dentists.

Dental DSO companies frequently reach out to dentists in rural areas, and these dentists still work largely independently, similar to private practice. However, their support staff is typically provided, which means dentists can spend more time doing their job.

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Dentists who are a part of DSO companies get extra accreditation through brand recognition and, on average, are paid more. DSOs have been expanding more recently into larger cities and suburban areas and have subsequently been bringing competition and replacing private practices.

On the other hand, private practices offer dentists more flexibility but more liability. Private practices have fewer staff, which means that those who run a private practice may need extra administrative work.

However, controlling a business with fewer regulations and standardizations means that private dentists can choose their clientele and potentially make much more money than dentists working for DSOs. Although, this means that private practices will feel a slow year much more than a DSO.

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