How To Find A Good Dentist

Maintaining good oral hygiene is important for the health of your mouth, as well as your whole body. This is why it is just as important to find the right dentist you can trust and where you feel comfortable. When you go looking for a good dentist, you are looking for more than just someone who cleans your teeth. You are looking for a professional that proves to you that they care about your oral hygiene and provide you with practical advice and tools to better take care of it. Listed below are the questions you will want to ask yourself when looking for a good dentist.

What Anesthesia Are They Certified To Use?

When looking for a good dentist, those who are fearful of going to the dentist may first be wondering what anesthesia is used. The real question would be what anesthesia is the dentist certified to use. You may feel more comfortable once you find out what options are available to you.

Does Their Practice Show Appreciation To Patients?

You may want to consider a practice that shows appreciation to their patients when looking for a good dentist. This could be in the form of special care packages to take home after a check up or discounted first exams. Some practices hold annual raffles or ongoing discount opportunities, which allows the patient to feel valued.

Where Is Their Office?

When looking for a good dentist, it is important to also consider location. You may want an office that is close to your work, school, or home. That way you can easily fit appointments into your schedule so you will not miss your appointment or have to reschedule. You will also want to be made aware of their office hours. These can fluctuate depending on the day of the week, so make a note of this.

How Can My Teeth Become Damaged?

While our teeth are made out of bone, it is still possible for them to become damaged, even severely. Our teeth are pretty important facets of our body and once our adult teeth are gone, they are gone for good. Finding a good dentist can help you to regularly keep your teeth healthy and track your habits to make sure you are practicing good dental hygiene.

The Danger Of Sugar

Almost everyone knows that sugar causes tooth decay. But, you may not actually know how it happens. Complex processes are actually what makes sugar so bad for your mouth and teeth, promoting decay. Many different kinds of bacteria live in our mouths, some of which are harmful and some of which are beneficial.

When sugar enters your mouth, a certain type of harmful bacteria goes to work. It creates acid in your mouth whenever they come into contact with sugar. These acids also remove the enamel from your teeth. This harmful process is known as demineralization. This can cause your teeth to become overly sensitive and leave them discolored.

Ditch The Sugary Drinks

If you are sipping on sugary beverages every day, it may be time to reassess that damaging habit. Sipping on your sugary beverages daily can increase the risk of developing cavities. Even coffee is a sugary culprit, which can also lead to severe stains and yellowing of your teeth. Cutting out sugary drinks in your diet can help to lower your risk for cavities and improve your overall dental health. Switching up your diet can prove to be beneficial. Instead of grabbing for your coffee cup, grab a glass of water. Water does not contain sugar or acids, making it great for your oral health.

Foods To Avoid

What goes into your mouth has a direct effect on your oral hygiene and your teeth. Many foods can cause plaque, which takes a toll on your teeth. Over time, this plaque can build up and cause tooth decay and gum disease. Avoiding these foods or consuming them in moderation can help benefit your oral health.

Sour Candy

Sour candies are some of the worst foods you can put in your mouth. The acids in these candies react with the bacteria in your mouth, which can lead to tooth decay. Sticky sour candy is even worse, as it can stick to your teeth. This means it is up against your teeth for a longer amount of time, promoting decay.


The amount of sugar contained in a soda depends on the brand. However, soda can actually be considered a triple threat. Drinking a soda dries out your mouth, contains acid, and is dark. This means that while promoting decay, sodas can also cause stains on your enamel.

Symptoms Of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is typically more common among children, teenagers, and young adults. However, anyone can get a cavity regardless of age. Tooth decay may not be visible and it may not present any symptoms. This is why regular dentist check ups are so vital to your oral hygiene. However, you may notice that you have been experiencing a toothache. This could be a continuous toothache or one that comes on sporadically. Your teeth may have begun to feel more sensitive to certain temperatures, even the air you breathe may be affecting your teeth. You have noticed that your have abnormal colorings on your teeth.

Your dentist will ask you a few questions regarding your oral health and they will be able to detect whether or not you are experiencing tooth decay. They can do this by examining your mouth extensively at the site where you are experiencing pain. They may gently probe your teeth to feel for any softspots. Your dentist will also order X-rays to be performed, which will allow them to see how bad the damage is and if any other areas of the mouth have been affected.

Accidental Injury

Accidents do happen and when they do, you will thank yourself for looking for a good dentist. When a severe accident occurs, it is sometimes necessary to take a trip to the emergency room. Kids in school sports are usually more active and more likely to experience injury to their teeth. If your child experiences an injury such as this, your dentist may suggest that they wear braces to correct their teeth or a natural sleep aid for in the meantime.

Accidents can also happen to adults with adult teeth. A tooth may have chipped or broken off. However, damage may not show up immediately. Your jawbone and tissue may have still become injured, although not visibly, because they absorbed the blunt force. Chips typically require the dentist to make a mold of your tooth and fit a crown to your tooth. However, a large chip will sometimes expose the dentin or pulp of your tooth, which can cause serious infection and irreversible damage.

Tips For Looking For A Good Dentist

Regular checkups can help to locate any problem areas in your mouth and address any dental conditions. This can help to detect issues before they cause worse symptoms or further damage, leading to more serious problems. The quicker you seek out a dentist, the better you chance you have at correcting the damage before it worsens. Part of this process is looking for a good dentist that you can trust and an office that makes you feel comfortable, which will promote continued visits.

Meet and Greet

You do not have to be fearful of a dentist to request a tour of the office, procedures, and a meet and greet with your dentist. When looking for a good dentist, those that are happy to do a tour means that they appreciate you as a patient. Feel free to ask any questions on the tour and ask for any paper materials they may have that you can flip through at home. Notice the staff and how they interact with each other, as well as will you on your tour.


You will want to take into account any artwork for healthcare facilities that you notice. These could be helpful memos, but also relaxing pieces of art that adds to the ambiance. Dentists that take the time to make sure that their practice is welcoming and inviting shows that they care about the experience of their patients.

How Will You Pay?

When looking for a good dentist, you will also want to figure out how you will pay for your exams and procedures. Dental insurance claims processing can assist you in paying your bills and allow to have affordable dental visits. If you do not have insurance, many dental health providers offer payment plans as another avenue to afford the care. Speaking with your dentist and dental health insurance will help during this process.

Benefits Of Going To The Dentist

There are a multitude of benefits you will experience when you choose to go to the dentist every six months. Even if you do not look forward to the appointment, know that it is an important one to keep in your schedule. If you are thinking about skipping a dentist appointment, make sure you are aware of the risks. Knowing the benefits could help you to keep your teeth healthy.

Cancer Detection

Oral cancer is a real threat and your dentist can help to detect it. Oral cancer can manifest as different symptoms and it can be difficult for someone who is not a professional to be aware of everything to look for. Your dentist is very knowledgeable and highly trained in detecting oral cancer and noticing any abnormalities. Going every six months means that there is a low threshold for a condition to get too serious without detection and a course of action.

Gum Disease Prevention

While the health of your teeth should remain important, there are other aspects of your mouth that need to be kept healthy too. Your gums can become eroded by plaque and tartar build up if your oral health is not taken care of. The gum will begin to pull away from the tooth. This is known as gingivitis and is the beginning stage of gum disease. Your gums may appear red and swollen or they may even bleed. Visiting a dentist every six months can help to manage the symptoms of gum disease and help to prevent it from worsening

Bad Breath Prevention

Nobody likes having bad breath and just brushing your teeth might not be able to eradicate the problem. Bad breath can be caused by a variety of different factors, which a professional dentist can assess. Among these, gum disease or lodged food you cannot get to could be the culprit. A dentist will be able to put you on a plan to better smelling breath.

Boost Of Self Confidence

Looking for a good dentist can leave you feeling better about yourself. Having a clean mouth can leave you having a boost of self confidence. Maybe there is a certain aspect of your smile you are not happy with. This could be staining of your teeth or maybe you are self conscience about the chip on your front tooth. Regardless, a professional dentist will be able to assess the problems you are facing with your oral health and provide you with a solution.

Looking for a good dentist is an essential step in making sure your oral health is well taken care of. The benefits of going to regular appointments far outweigh the risks of skipping your appointment. Choose a professional you trust and an environment that makes you feel comfortable. Maintaining your oral hygiene will help keep you healthy and limit oral health complications.